Never be stuck for social media content ideas again!

with these engaging social media prompt cards.


Uniquely designed to work with the social media algorithms, you can now beat the overwhelm of social media with this beautiful deck of social media content cards by red hippo.  


It's as simple as:

1 -Pick a card at random,

2 -Follow the instructions on the card for what to post,

3 - Wait for the likes and comments to roll in!


These cards will give you all the inspiration you need on what  to post. This premium deck of content cards contain 50 unique ideas to kickstart your marketing, regardless of what platform you use or what industry you are in. With clear instructions and content, you will have your social media growing in no time!

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!


These cards have been designed to be an easy way to interact and engage your audience, without the hard sell. There are 5 categories of posts, so that your feed is balanced and interesting, whilst still allowing you to promote your business. We have applied the 80/20 rule - 80% of the cards are designed to be socially engaging, and 20% are more sales based, so your customers will always feel that your are being interesting AND informative. 


So what are you waiting for? Order your deck today!



Chose a card from one of 5 categories designed to create engaging content. These categories help people get to know, like and trust you so that they buy from you.

I am utterly obsessed with the red hippo kick start your marketing cards. They have made social media fun again I feel less overwhelmed and my engagement has improved a lot
I can't recommend these enough to all my business coaching clients

Shona Gates

Mindset Coach & Entrepreneur

These are amazing and have really given me so much inspiration on what to post online. 

Sandra Senn

Hashtag Insta Prints Ownerr


Social Media Marketing Cards

What do our customers say about these cards?

I am utterly obsessed with the red hippo kick start your marketing cards. They have made social media fun again I feel less overwhelmed and my engagement has improved a lot
I can't recommend these enough to all my business coaching clients

These cards took the overwhelm right out of social media - I love them.

Mel, Cafe Shop Owner

These cards are always giving me fresh inspiration

AusMumpreneur Award 2020 Amber Rushton
AusMumpreneur Award 2020 Amber Rushton
AusMumpreneur Award 2020 Amber Rushton
Amber Rushton eNVIEs award winner 2019

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